Current Projects

Baseball Streak Explorer

Streak Explorer

This is an R/Shiny application that uses a novel visualization for comparing hot and cold streaks of Major League Baseball teams.

The source code is available here.

NJ OAG Use Of Force Data Explorer

NJOAGUOF Data Explorer

This is a simple R/Shiny dashboard application to illustrate the use of of the NJOAGUOF data package. The source code is here.

Data Packages

NJ OAG Use Of Force Data Package for R


This data package is a cleaned-up version of the NJ OAG Use of Force dataset available from

NJ OAG Law Enforcement Officer Diversity Data Package for R


This data package is a cleaned-up version of the NJ OAG Law Enforcement Officer Diversity dataset available from

NJ Elections Data Package for R


This is a data package for R containing the results of statewide elections in NJ, from 2004 to 2021.

NJ Municipalities Data Package for R


This is a data package for R that contains every county and municipality in New Jersey, from 2000 to 2022.


NJ Municipalities API


This is an API that exposes the data in the NJMUNICIPALITIES data package for R. The source code is here